Life coaching
for medium-sized entrepreneurs in Hamburg, Mallorca
and online

Your path to a rich and fulfilling life (also) outside the company:

Your path to a rich and fulfilling life (also) outside the company:

Life coaching
for medium-sized entrepreneurs in Hamburg, Mallorca and online

Your path to a rich and fulfilling life (also) outside the company:

Your business is in the spotlight – but your private life is in the shadows?

Are you so busy at work that there’s no room for anything else – and that makes you unhappy?

You rarely see your partner or children because of all the work.
Do you increasingly feel like you’re losing touch with them and missing out on something important?

You used to have close friends, but have let contact with them slide for far too long.
Suddenly you feel that you miss them?

Playing tennis or golf, jogging, traveling, meeting friends – you used to love these things.
But for years you have had neither the time nor the energy to pursue your interests?

You set off on your entrepreneurial adventure full of enthusiasm, but somewhere along the way you lost your zest for life.
Are you longing for meaning and depth?

It can’t go on like this, that’s for sure.
But you don’t know what you can do to change it – or you simply can’t do it alone?

Do you recognize yourself?

With my 1:1 life coaching in Hamburg, Mallorca and online, I support you in harmonizing all the important areas of your life – and leading exactly the life you want.

How does life coachinghelp you?

Together we will find out how you dream of your life – and what you need to do to turn your vision into reality.

So that you have time again for what is really important to you.

Pursue the things that make you happy.

Lead an active life outside your company too.

Feel physically and mentally agile, fit and resilient again.

Experience fulfillment and meaningfulness in everyday life.

Life goals are plans from your deepest self.
Not putting them into practice means denying yourself.


What really matters in life

Are you familiar with the book “5 things dying people regret most” by Australian Bronnie Ware?
As a nurse, the author accompanied people in the last phase of their lives for many years – and asked them what they regret in retrospect.

Among the most frequent answers: Not having summoned up the courage to live their own life.
Having worked too much.
Not taking enough time for family and friends.
And above all: not allowing themselves to be happy.

I also believe that at the end of your life, it doesn’t matter how many hours you’ve spent at the company.
How many Porsches you have in your garage.
How many millions you have in your bank account.
What really counts are: fulfilling, heartfelt moments – with the people who are close to you.

In life coaching, we work together to ensure that you have no regrets at the end of your life.

Success stories of my customers

Pere Garcia Carol

More energy, joie de vivre and enthusiasm

I came to Martina on the advice of a friend because I had been very negative for some time and didn’t know how to resolve it.
I was in a spiral of negativity both professionally and privately.

Life coaching with Martina helped me to rediscover my positive vision of life. In my private life, I have received new impulses that have made my relationship with my family closer and stronger. Martina has managed to reconnect me with my emotions, which gives me more energy, joie de vivre and new enthusiasm. I now also work more positively with my employees, which helps me move my companies forward. I feel much better, I want to develop professionally and personally – and all my fears have disappeared.”

Anselm Van den Auwelant
CEO Lovian Properties Mallorca

Life crisis solved

Shortly before my 60th birthday, I found myself in a life crisis.
Although I run my own business, have a great family and friends and live in a privileged environment, I only saw the negative sides.
During the coaching, I realized what I have achieved in my life and how lucky I am.
I now have more intense relationships with my wife and children, we enjoy spending time together again and I pay more attention to my health.

Martina’s life coaching is very effective: you analyze the situation, determine the next steps for improvement and go straight into implementation.
Today I have a completely different attitude to life, which leads me to success in my company with new energy and a fresh view of my employees.
Highly recommended, also because of Martina’s patience and empathy!

What you can expect from life coaching in Hamburg, Mallorca
and online

In 1:1 life coaching, I support you in developing your personal life vision.
Afterwards, you will know how you want your life to be and which steps will lead you there.

The 12 areas of your life

Health & Fitness

Have you been ignoring this area of your life until now?
Discover a completely new perspective on the topic and define your own goals.
You’ll be moved – and perhaps wonder why you didn’t rethink it sooner.

Intellectual life

To secure our future, we need to change the way we think.
Your spiritual life and mindset have the power to support you in your life goals.
Will we be lifelong learners?
It’s time to think about thinking.

Emotional life

Develop your emotional intelligence further – and learn how to let your feelings work for you instead of living in reaction mode or swallowing everything.


What kind of person do you want to be?
Here you reflect on your true values and how you live them.
You decide which character traits you want to incorporate into your life – and you will be amazed at how this influences all other areas of your life.


Have you ever thought about your deepest beliefs about life, the world and your place in it?
Discover how inspiring it can be to look at the big picture and gain a new perspective on the purpose and meaning of your existence.

Love affair

Are you living a fulfilling partnership?
What values and expectations do you associate with love?
You will gain clarity about how to build and maintain an extraordinary love relationship.


What do we teach young people so that they can make the best possible contribution to society later on?
This is important for parents and non-parents alike, because the future of our coexistence depends on it.
And as a boss, you can also make a difference.

Social life

Here you look at your relationships with friends and extended family.
You will understand which relationships contribute positively to your life – and which ones drain you.
You will learn how to strengthen important relationships and end unhealthy ones.


Nothing more for you to learn here?
We look at the true nature of money – what it is, where it comes from and how wealth is created.
Maybe you’ll look at your financial goals in a whole new way.


What makes a successful, fulfilling career?
How can you take your entrepreneurship and your employees’ careers to a higher level – and benefit on many levels?

Quality of life

What makes your life richer?
You become clear about how you want to spend the hours, days and years of your life – and perhaps adjust your life goals.

Life vision

You have thought through all areas of your life.
Now you will also experience your new life plan.
With guided visualization exercises, we will travel five years into the future.
Afterwards, you will know how to put all the building blocks together – and create your dream life.

This is how life coaching works

Life coaching lasts between 7 and 14 weeks (depending on the chosen pace) and usually takes place online via Zoom.
On-site sessions in Hamburg or on Mallorca (Santa Ponsa) are possible by arrangement.

Kick-off workshop

At the start of our collaboration, we discuss your current situation, individual challenges and define your personal goals that you would like to achieve with life coaching.

Video training and workbook

Each week you will receive a video training with a workbook on two of the twelve areas of life.
This will prepare you for our weekly coaching.

Six individual coaching sessions

Once a week or every two weeks, we meet for a 90-minute coaching session to discuss your insights, questions and “aha” moments.

Your life coach in Hamburg, Mallorca and online
Hi, I’m Martina Becker!

As a certified life & business coach, I support you in consciously shaping your life and creating holistic success and balance in all areas of your life.

As an entrepreneur and from my own experience as the daughter of an entrepreneur, I know how easy it is to get caught up in the whirlwind of the company with all its demands – and lose sight of your own needs, dreams and even your family.

A holistic coaching training and various additional qualifications give me the deep insight, understanding and tools to help you regain power over your life.

I have fulfilled my own lifelong dream: For more than 15 years, Hamburg and Mallorca have been two places where I feel at home.

You can find out more about me, my qualifications and my approach here.

You can count on these successes


You know your own personal idea of success and purpose in life – free from the expectations of others and outdated role models.


You live a rich and fulfilling life in line with your values and priorities – even beyond work and material comfort.


Your everyday life gives you energy, motivation and purpose, you finally feel alive, fit and healthy again.

More time for the important things

You finally have enough time again for your family, friends, hobbies and interests.

Quality of life and satisfaction

You come into your own and experience a lasting, deep satisfaction that goes far beyond business success.

Achieving instead of just planning

With new energy, the right strategy and practical steps, you can make the targeted changes in your life that will get you where you want to be.

Interested? Then book your introductory call now!

Who is life coaching in Hamburg, Mallorca and online suitable for ?

If these points apply to you, we are a good match: You…

What does life coaching cost ?

Your one-off investment for the
7-week life coaching program:

2.950,00 EUR plus

Sounds exciting?

Then let’s get started!

Step 1: Agree

Your free initial consultation

We get to know each other, discuss your challenges, goals and how I can support you.

Step 2: Discover

Life coaching

Get to know the tools and levers that will make you a successful designer of your life.

Step 3: Achieve

Your master plan for a fulfilled life

Achieve results, satisfaction and continuous growth in all areas of life.

Frequently asked questions

You get access to two videos and corresponding workbooks every week.
I use the Lifebook program from the USA, for which I am a certified coach.
You will receive all content in German.
In addition to our 1:1 sessions, I create presentations and worksheets especially for you as required.

Depending on your availability, we will meet seven times for 90 minutes each over a period of between 7 and 14 weeks.
If new topics come up during coaching, you can optionally book additional hours at a reduced surcharge.

Each session ends with concrete implementation steps that you have defined as realistic and goal-oriented.
You will report on your successes at the next meeting.

After our initial consultation, you will receive an individual offer tailored to you and your goals.
You then decide at your leisure – and can change your mind within the first three coaching sessions without giving any further reasons.

Definitely – provided you are actively involved.
I assume that you want positive changes in your life and are willing to try out and practice new things.

During our first three coaching sessions, you can find out how we work together.
If you come to the conclusion that the desired results are not forthcoming, you can terminate the coaching contract without any obligations.
So far, however, not a single one of my clients has taken this step.

If you change your mind, you can terminate our cooperation up to the fourth coaching appointment.
I will refund you the outstanding portion of any fees already paid

Our free introductory meeting is held either via Zoom or by phone.
You tell me about your current challenges and together we look at how my life coaching can help you.
It’s best to write down a few key points in advance.
With this information, I can also estimate the time frame and possible additional costs more precisely.

The coaching sessions usually take place online (via Zoom/Microsoft Teams) or by arrangement in person in Hamburg or on Mallorca and last around 90 minutes.
Your active participation is of central importance.
Normally we meet once a week or every two weeks, whereby I will arrange a time that suits you.

Effective coaching is based on a trusting relationship, which is why I make sure that the chemistry between us is right from the very first meeting.
We harmonize well if you are open to new knowledge and willing to commit to change.

I adapt the content of the coaching to your personality to ensure that it is interesting for you and goes at your own pace.
If you change your mind, you can end our collaboration up to the fourth coaching session.
In this case, I will refund you the outstanding part of the fees already paid.

I use the informal form of address “Du” because I believe that this promotes an honest, confidential and personal exchange without compromising respect for each other.
If you prefer a more formal form of address, I’m happy to stick with “you” for the first few meetings – but then you’ll need to be willing to change.